1. 矿业公司寻求特朗普支持捷足先登开采海底金属 - The New York Times Mining Company Seeks Trump Support to Shortcut Access to Seabed Metals (news.google.com)
2. 伊丽莎白-奥尔森、理查德-基尔等人谴责奥斯卡对《无主之地》导演袭击事件的回应 - Rolling Stone Elizabeth Olsen, Richard Gere, More Denounce Oscars'' Response to ''No Other Land'' Director Attack (news.google.com)
3. 在成员谴责 "不可辩解 "的回应之后,电影学院向《无主之地》的哈姆丹-巴拉尔道歉 - Los Angeles Times Film academy apologizes to ‘No Other Land’s’ Hamdan Ballal after members decry ‘indefensible’ response (news.google.com)
4. 海军潜水员和波兰部队协助找回失踪美军士兵 - Military Times Navy divers, Polish forces to aid in recovery of missing US soldiers (news.google.com)
5. 奥斯卡在谴责攻击艺术家的声明中对未点名《没有别的土地》电影制片人表示道歉 - Deadline Academy Apologizes For Not Naming ‘No Other Land’ Filmmaker In Its Statement Denouncing Attacks On Artists (news.google.com)
6. 美联社获得的视频罕见地清晰显示了定居者对巴勒斯坦小村庄的袭击 - The Associated Press Video obtained by AP shows settler assault on small Palestinian village with rare clarity (news.google.com)
7. 美军和立陶宛部队奋力排干沼泽地中的积水,打捞被淹没装甲车中的 4 名士兵 - The Associated Press US and Lithuanian forces struggle to drain swamp to recover 4 soldiers in submerged armored vehicle (news.google.com)
8. 中央司令部证实美国对也门胡塞武装目标发动打击 - The Jerusalem Post US launches strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, CENTCOM confirms (news.google.com)
9. 载有游客的潜水艇在埃及附近海域沉没,至少 6 人死亡 - The Associated Press At least 6 dead after submarine carrying tourists on a reef tour in Red Sea sinks off Egypt (news.google.com)
10. 犹太知名人士因极右嘉宾抵制以色列反犹太主义活动 - BBC.com Prominent Jewish figures boycott Israel antisemitism event over far-right guests (news.google.com)
11. 犹太知名人士抵制以色列反犹太主义活动 - BBC.com Prominent Jewish figures boycott Israel antisemitism event (news.google.com)
12. 了解天主教会的新千年圣徒卡罗-阿库提斯 - Yahoo What to know about Carlo Acutis, the Catholic Church’s new millennial saint (news.google.com)
13. 加沙今年的斋月:从停火到战争 - NPR What Ramadan has been like this year in Gaza, from ceasefire to war (news.google.com)
14. 照片:缅甸和泰国发生地震 - The New York Times In Photos: An Earthquake Rocks Myanmar and Thailand (news.google.com)
15. 了解天主教会的新千年圣徒卡罗-阿库提斯 - The Associated Press What to know about Carlo Acutis, the Catholic Church’s new millennial saint (news.google.com)
16. 纽卡斯尔街头发现散落的英军机密信息 - Euronews Confidential British Army info found scattered on Newcastle streets (news.google.com)
17. 英国紧跟 "信号门",泄露令人瞠目的军事信息 - The Daily Beast Britain Follows Signalgate With Its Own Jaw-Dropping Military Leak (news.google.com)
18. 就像一座被毁坏的城市缅甸地震幸存者描述恐怖景象 - BBC.com ''Like a ruined city'': Myanmar earthquake survivors describe horror (news.google.com)
19. 普京说,将特朗普对格陵兰岛及其大量稀有矿藏的推动视为 "荒谬的空谈 "是 "大错特错"。 - Fortune Putin says it’s ‘a profound mistake’ to treat Trump’s push for Greenland and its vast deposits of rare minerals as ‘some preposterous talk’ (news.google.com)
20. 加沙战争中首次大规模反哈马斯抗议活动可能不会赶走哈马斯,但会削弱其控制力 - The Times of Israel Gaza war’s first major anti-Hamas protests may not oust it, but are weakening its hold (news.google.com)
21. 向梵高画作泼汤的气候活动人士正在改变策略 - The New York Times Climate Activists Who Threw Soup at van Gogh Painting Are Changing Tactics (news.google.com)
22. 奥斯卡纪录片部门成员抨击电影学院关于《无他境》联合导演袭击事件的声明 "令人发指" - Hollywood Reporter Oscars Doc Branch Members Slam “Heinous” Film Academy Statement on ‘No Other Land’ Co-Director Attack (news.google.com)
23. 用泰瑟枪打死 95 岁老妇的澳大利亚前警官免于牢狱之灾 - CBS News Former Australian officer who killed 95-year-old woman with Taser avoids prison (news.google.com)
24. 奥斯卡获奖者抨击 AMPAS 对电影制片人遭殴打一事反应冷淡,奥斯卡理事召开紧急会议讨论 "无他境 "危机 - Deadline Academy Governors Hold Urgent Meeting On ‘No Other Land’ Crisis As Oscar Winners Blast Tepid AMPAS Response To Filmmaker’s Beating (news.google.com)
25. 特朗普白宫或将改变为富人减税的政策 - Axios Trump White House might flip the script on tax cuts for the rich (news.google.com)
26. 俄罗斯称乌克兰 "几乎摧毁 "了苏德扎的天然气基础设施 - Reuters Russia says Ukraine ''virtually destroys'' gas infrastructure in Sudzha (news.google.com)
27. 缅甸和泰国发生大地震,140 多人死亡 - BBC.com Over 140 dead in Myanmar and Thailand after huge earthquake (news.google.com)
28. 查尔斯国王因癌症治疗副作用短暂住院 - AOL King Charles hospitalized briefly due to side effects of cancer treatment (news.google.com)
29. 缅甸-泰国地震实况更新:缅甸地震造成 100 多人死亡,700 多人受伤 - ABC News Myanmar-Thailand earthquake live updates: More than 100 dead, 700 injured in Myanmar (news.google.com)
30. 以色列自 11 月停火以来首次袭击贝鲁特南部 - CNN Israel strikes southern Beirut for the first time since November ceasefire (news.google.com)
31. 继续搜寻在立陶宛失踪的美军士兵,救援人员正在挖掘车辆 - The New York Times Search for Missing US Soldiers in Lithuania Continues as Crews Work to Extract Vehicle (news.google.com)
32. 国王经历了癌症治疗的暂时副作用 - BBC.com King experiences temporary side effects of cancer treatment (news.google.com)
34. 美军称找回在立陶宛失踪的 4 名士兵 "将是一项长期而艰巨的 "行动 - CBS News U.S. Army says recovering 4 soldiers missing in Lithuania "will be a long and difficult" operation (news.google.com)
35. 俄罗斯表示,如果基辅无视暂停令,俄罗斯保留恢复打击乌克兰能源目标的权利 - Yahoo Russia says it reserves the right to resume striking Ukrainian energy targets if Kyiv flouts moratorium (news.google.com)
36. 欧盟拒绝俄罗斯在停火谈判期间提出的减免制裁要求 - Euronews EU rebuffs Russia''s demand for sanctions relief amid ceasefire talks (news.google.com)
37. 实时更新:缅甸和泰国发生 7.7 级地震;缅甸至少有 144 人死亡 - The Washington Post Live updates: 7.7-magnitude earthquake hits Myanmar and Thailand; at least 144 dead in Myanmar (news.google.com)
38. 以色列自真主党停火以来首次袭击贝鲁特 - BBC.com Israel conducts first strike on Beirut since Hezbollah ceasefire (news.google.com)
39. 白金汉宫:查尔斯国王在癌症治疗期间短暂住院 - ABC News King Charles briefly hospitalized amid cancer treatment, Buckingham Palace says (news.google.com)
40. 美国陆军和盟军在沼泽地带奋力寻找周二以来在立陶宛失踪的 4 名士兵 - Military.com Army, US Allies Battling Swampy Terrain to Find 4 Soldiers Missing Since Tuesday in Lithuania (news.google.com)
41. 现场简报:以色列袭击贝鲁特郊区,大批人员撤离 - The Washington Post Live briefing: Mass evacuations as Israel strikes Beirut suburb (news.google.com)
42. 教皇在圣玛尔塔之家康复,健康状况逐渐好转 - 梵蒂冈新闻 - English Pope’s health improving gradually as he recovers at Casa Santa Marta - Vatican News (news.google.com)
43. 国王查尔斯三世接受癌症治疗后出现副作用,住院观察 - PBS NewsHour King Charles III experiences side effects after cancer treatment, hospitalized for observation (news.google.com)
44. 以色列自停火以来首次在贝鲁特附近发动空袭 - The New York Times Israel Launches Airstrikes Near Beirut For First Time Since Cease-fire (news.google.com)
45. 澳大利亚前警官用电击枪杀害 95 岁老妇后逃过牢狱之灾 - The Associated Press Former Australian police officer avoids prison after killing 95-year-old woman with a stun gun (news.google.com)
46. 旅游潜水艇在埃及海岸沉没,六人死亡 - Al Jazeera English Six people dead after tourist submarine sinks off Egypt’s coast (news.google.com)
47. 波兰暂停白俄罗斯边境避难权 - Notes From Poland Poland suspends right to asylum at Belarus border (news.google.com)
48. 埃及潜艇事故造成至少 6 名游客死亡:官员 - ABC News At least 6 tourists dead in submarine accident in Egypt: Officials (news.google.com)
49. 黑格塞斯告诉菲律宾,特朗普政府将加强对中国威胁的威慑力 - The Associated Press Hegseth tells Philippines the Trump administration will ramp up deterrence against China threat (news.google.com)
50. 以色列国防军向以色列北部发射两枚火箭弹后袭击黎巴嫩南部贝鲁特 - The Times of Israel IDF strikes Beirut, southern Lebanon after 2 rockets fired at northern Israel (news.google.com)
51. 国王查理三世因癌症治疗副作用住院一天后公开露面 - The Associated Press King Charles III seen in public one day after hospitalization for cancer treatment side effects (news.google.com)
52. 疑似美军的密集空袭袭击胡塞武装控制的城市和机场 - The Times of Israel Intense wave of suspected US airstrikes hit Houthi-held cities, airport (news.google.com)
53. 埃尔多安的狱中对手称其律师现已被捕 - POLITICO Europe Erdoğan’s jailed rival says his lawyer has now been arrested (news.google.com)
54. 医生称教皇方济各在医院濒临死亡 - The New York Times Pope Francis Came Near Death in Hospital, His Doctor Says (news.google.com)
55. 以色列警告将打击真主党在贝鲁特南部的建筑 - Reuters Israel warns it will hit Hezbollah building in south Beirut (news.google.com)
56. 法国和英国敦促为乌克兰提供 "保证部队 - DW (English) French, British urge ‘reassurance force’ for Ukraine (news.google.com)
57. 搜寻 4 名失踪美军士兵的工作现已转入恢复任务:立陶宛国防部长 - ABC News Search for 4 missing US soldiers now a recovery mission: Lithuanian minister of defense (news.google.com)
58. 黑格塞斯在首次亚洲正式访问中寻求向盟国作出保证 - The New York Times Hegseth Seeks to Reassure Allies on First Official Trip to Asia (news.google.com)
59. 梵蒂冈宣布圣周和圣慈主日礼仪 - 梵蒂冈新闻 - English Vatican announces liturgies for Holy Week and Divine Mercy Sunday - Vatican News (news.google.com)
60. 人群涌向阿西西最新的天主教圣人--一位千禧年少年的平凡吸引了众人的目光 - National Catholic Reporter Crowds flock to newest Catholic saint in Assisi — a millennial teen whose ordinariness is the draw (news.google.com)
61. 缅甸和泰国发生 7.7 级地震,数十人失踪 - ABC News Dozens missing as deadly 7.7 quake rocks Myanmar and Thailand (news.google.com)
62. 法国最高法院的裁决为禁止勒庞竞选总统铺平了道路 - POLITICO Europe Top French court ruling paves way for Le Pen to be barred from presidential run (news.google.com)
63. 俄罗斯普京称,拒绝接受特朗普对格陵兰岛的推动是一个 "极大的错误 - CNBC Russia''s Putin says it would be a ''profound mistake'' to dismiss Trump''s push for Greenland (news.google.com)
64. 普京建议成立乌克兰临时政府以结束战争 - Yahoo Putin suggests temporary administration for Ukraine to end war (news.google.com)
65. 众议院民主党人称,信号泄露 "危及 "军人生命 - NPR Signal leak put lives of military personnel ''at stake,'' says House Democrat (news.google.com)
67. 缅甸发生 7.7 级强烈地震,整个地区都有震感,曼谷宣布进入 "紧急状态区 - CNN Bangkok declared ‘emergency zone’ as powerful 7.7-magnitude quake hits Myanmar with tremors felt across the region (news.google.com)
68. 欧洲极右翼分子出席以色列反犹太主义会议后,受邀者纷纷回避 - Middle East Eye Invitees shun antisemitism conference in Israel after European far right attends (news.google.com)
69. 旅游潜水艇在埃及附近红海沉没造成六人死亡,数十人受伤 - USA TODAY Six killed, dozens injured as tourist submarine sinks in Red Sea off Egypt (news.google.com)
70. 实时更新:缅甸发生 7.7 级地震,泰国有震感 - CNN Live updates: Myanmar earthquake magnitude 7.7, tremors felt in Thailand (news.google.com)
71. 主要反对党称土耳其拘留了被监禁的伊斯坦布尔市长的律师 - Reuters.com Turkey detains lawyer of jailed Istanbul mayor, main opposition party says (news.google.com)
72. 俄罗斯通讯社报道:普京建议成立乌克兰临时政府 - CNBC Putin suggests temporary administration for Ukraine, Russian news agencies report (news.google.com)
73. 观看:皮卡丘加入土耳其反对埃尔多安的起义,当警察出现时却落荒而逃 - NDTV Watch: Pikachu Joins Turkey Uprising Against Erdogan, Flees When Cops Show Up (news.google.com)
74. 赫尔佐格邀请欧洲极右翼政客参加反犹太主义会议,尽管最初遭到拒绝 - Haaretz Herzog hosts far-right European politicians at antisemitism confab despite initial refusal (news.google.com)
75. 缅甸地震实况:仰光和曼谷有强烈震感 - Reuters Myanmar Earthquake Live: Strong tremor felt in Yangon and Bangkok (news.google.com)
76. 马可-鲁比奥警告委内瑞拉不要就埃克森美孚交易攻击圭亚那 - The New York Times Marco Rubio Warns Venezuela Against Attacking Guyana Over ExxonMobil Deal (news.google.com)
77. 韩国野火:强风、松树和干燥的土地是如何助长大火的? - BBC.com South Korea wildfires: How strong wind, pine trees and dry land fuelled the blaze (news.google.com)
79. 黑格塞斯重申美国对菲律宾加强威胁威慑的坚定承诺 - Reuters Hegseth reaffirms ironclad US commitment to Philippines to enhance threat deterrence (news.google.com)
80. 普京提议将乌克兰政府置于联合国领导的临时行政当局之下并举行新的选举 - Meduza Putin proposes placing Ukraine’s government under U.N.-led temporary administration and holding new elections (news.google.com)
82. 特朗普破坏了美国与加拿大的长期合作关系,越来越少的美国人将加拿大视为美国的盟友 - The Associated Press Fewer Americans now see Canada as a US ally as Trump strains a longtime partnership (news.google.com)
83. 对某些专制者而言,即使是操纵选举也会造成太大威胁 - The New York Times For Some Autocrats, Even Rigged Elections Can Be Too Much of a Threat (news.google.com)
84. 克里斯蒂安-怀特因电击 95 岁老人而免于牢狱之灾的警官 - BBC.com Kristian White: Officer spared jail for Tasering 95-year-old (news.google.com)
85. 普京在北极会议上称美国对格陵兰问题 "很认真 - DW (English) Putin says US ''serious'' about Greenland at Arctic conference (news.google.com)
86. 克里斯蒂-诺姆(Kristi Noem)似乎在萨尔瓦多监狱特技表演中佩戴了价值 6 万美元的劳力士金表 - The Daily Beast Kristi Noem Appears To Have Worn 60K Gold Rolex During El Salvador Prison Stunt (news.google.com)
87. 黑格塞斯向关岛部队传达国防部信息 - Department of Defense Hegseth Brings DOD''s Message to Troops on Guam (news.google.com)
88. 胡塞武装被削弱,但未被特朗普首轮打击击垮 - The Wall Street Journal Houthis Weakened but Not Broken by First Round of Trump Strikes (news.google.com)
89. 加沙人顶住哈马斯的恐吓,连续第三天举行反对恐怖组织的集会 - The Times of Israel Bucking Hamas intimidation, Gazans hold 3rd straight day of rallies against terror group (news.google.com)
90. 俄罗斯通讯社报道:普京建议成立乌克兰临时政府 - Reuters Putin suggests temporary administration for Ukraine, Russian news agencies report (news.google.com)
91. Pete Hegseth:关岛美军是美国在亚洲力量投射的 "矛尖 - Washington Times Pete Hegseth: U.S. troops on Guam are the ''tip of the spear'' for American power projection in Asia (news.google.com)
92. 美国打击也门胡塞武装的新行动远比拜登时期激烈得多 - The Times of Israel New US campaign against Yemen’s Houthis far more intense than under Biden (news.google.com)
93. 巴西总统卢拉抨击新的 25% 汽车关税,称特朗普只是美国总统而非世界总统 - Fortune Brazilian President Lula swipes at new 25% auto tariffs, saying Trump is president only of the U.S. not the world (news.google.com)
94. 救援人员在立陶宛挖掘失踪美军士兵的车辆 - Reuters Rescuers dig for missing U.S. soldiers'' vehicle in Lithuania (news.google.com)
95. 25 岁的奥运滑雪运动员贝尔金-乌斯塔和父亲在滑雪胜地火灾中丧生 - New York Post Berkin Usta, 25-year-old Olympic skier, and father killed in fire at ski resort (news.google.com)
96. 普京建议成立乌克兰临时政府以结束战争 - Reuters.com Putin suggests temporary administration for Ukraine to end war (news.google.com)
97. 哈姆丹-巴拉尔(Hamdan Ballal)遭绑架后,"无他乡"(No Other Land)的联合导演分享了一封来自学院的含糊不清的信 - The A.V. Club No Other Land co-director shares vague letter from Academy following Hamdan Ballal abduction (news.google.com)
98. 战争第 538 天:伊朗回应特朗普信函,以色列国防军新发言人 - Anash.org - Good News War Day 538: Iran Respond’s to Trump’s Letter, New IDF Spokesman - Anash.org (news.google.com)
99. "如果你正在阅读这篇文章,就意味着我已被杀害":以色列箭靶上的巴勒斯坦记者 - Democracy Now! “If You’re Reading This, It Means I Have Been Killed”: Palestinian Journalists in Israel’s Crosshairs (news.google.com)
100. 美军疑似空袭也门胡塞武装控制区 - The Associated Press Suspected US strikes pummel Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen (news.google.com)
101. 朝鲜金正恩视察人工智能 "自杀式攻击无人机 - BBC.com North Korea''s Kim Jong Un inspects AI ''suicide attack drones'' (news.google.com)
103. 国王查理三世因癌症治疗副作用短暂住院观察 - The Associated Press King Charles III briefly hospitalized for observation following side effects from cancer treatment (news.google.com)
104. 普京称格陵兰岛 "与俄罗斯无关",向美国点头示意 - BBC.com Putin says Greenland ''nothing to do with Russia'' in nod to US (news.google.com)
105. 恐怖分子精神不稳定奥马尔-温克特被囚禁后的故事令人不寒而栗 - Arutz Sheva ‘The terrorist was mentally unstable’: The chilling story of Omer Wenkert from captivity (news.google.com)
106. 第三次世界大战即将来临?俄罗斯导弹袭击后,27 个国家的 4.5 亿人受到警告 - Hindustan Times World War 3 coming? 450 million people, 27 countries warned after Russia missile strike (news.google.com)
108. 法裔阿尔及利亚作家 Boualem Sansal 被判处五年监禁 - Al Jazeera English French-Algerian author Boualem Sansal sentenced to five years in prison (news.google.com)
109. 荷兰认为俄罗斯已准备好在乌克兰停战一年后大举出兵 - Defense News Russia seen ready for big troop move year after Ukraine truce: Dutch (news.google.com)
110. 查尔斯国王因癌症治疗副作用短暂住院 - The New York Times King Charles Briefly Hospitalized After Side Effects From Cancer Treatment (news.google.com)
111. 奥运滑雪运动员贝尔金-乌斯塔在土耳其度假村火灾中丧生,年仅 25 岁 - Bleacher Report Olympic Skier Berkin Usta Dies at 25 After Fire at Turkish Resort (news.google.com)
112. 孟加拉国为大选做准备,一个新的政治角色崭露头角 - NPR As Bangladesh gears up for election, a new political player emerges (news.google.com)
113. 朝鲜金正恩监督装备人工智能的新型自杀式无人机测试 - Al Jazeera English North Korea’s Kim Jong Un oversees tests of new AI-equipped suicide drones (news.google.com)
115. 阿姆斯特丹发生持刀袭击事件,警方称 5 人受伤,其中包括两名美国人 - CBS News 5 injured, including 2 Americans, in stabbing attack in Amsterdam, police say (news.google.com)
116. 北约的最新盟国首次派出为与俄罗斯作战而制造的鹰狮战斗机在联盟边界巡逻 - Business Insider NATO''s newest ally is sending its Gripen jets made for war with Russia out to patrol alliance borders for the first time (news.google.com)
117. 普京称美国对格陵兰岛的推动源于历史,誓言维护俄罗斯在北极地区的利益 - POLITICO Putin says US push for Greenland rooted in history, vows to uphold Russian interest in the Arctic (news.google.com)
118. 查尔斯国王因正在进行的癌症治疗暂时出现副作用而推迟访问 - BBC.com King Charles postpones visit after temporary side effects of ongoing cancer treatment (news.google.com)
120. 两名宾夕法尼亚州议员避免就群聊泄密风波质询图尔西-加巴德 - The Philadelphia Inquirer Two Pa. lawmakers avoid questioning Tulsi Gabbard about group chat leak controversy (news.google.com)
121. 野火肆虐韩国东南部,残垣断壁,满目疮痍--有图有真相 - The Korea JoongAng Daily Debris and devastation ensue as wildfires ravage southeastern Korea — in pictures (news.google.com)
122. 法国总统马克龙称并非所有欧洲国家都同意对乌克兰动武 - Al Jazeera English France’s Macron says not all European countries agree on force for Ukraine (news.google.com)
123. 以色列国防军在黎巴嫩南部打击两名真主党恐怖分子 - The Jerusalem Post IDF strikes two Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon (news.google.com)
124. 尽管类似调查由来已久,但邦迪表示不太可能对信号聊天进行调查 - Yahoo Bondi signals probe into Signal chat is unlikely, despite a long history of similar inquiries (news.google.com)
125. 阿姆斯特丹:水坝广场附近发生刺伤事件,数人受伤 - DW (English) Amsterdam: Several wounded after stabbing near Dam Square (news.google.com)
126. 官员称俄罗斯袭击造成乌克兰天然气管道断电 - ABC News Russian strikes hit gas pipeline, cut electricity in Ukraine, officials say (news.google.com)
127. 旅游潜水艇在埃及沉没,六人死亡 - BBC.com Six people dead after tourist submarine sinks in Egypt (news.google.com)
128. 报道称,美国司法部长不太可能对信号泄露展开刑事调查 - 直播 - The Guardian US US attorney general unlikely to open criminal investigation of Signal leak, report says – live (news.google.com)
129. 阿姆斯特丹发生一起持刀袭击事件,造成五人受伤,其中包括四名外国人 - The Associated Press A stabbing attack in Amsterdam wounds five people, including four foreigners (news.google.com)
130. 美国将其最隐秘的大型轰炸机置于伊朗和也门的射程之内 - The Wall Street Journal U.S. Puts Its Stealthiest Big Bombers in Range of Iran and Yemen (news.google.com)
131. 英国气候抗议组织 "停止石油 "表示将停止直接行动 - Reuters UK UK climate protest group Just Stop Oil says it will stop direct action (news.google.com)
132. 普京称美国对格陵兰岛的推动源于历史,誓言维护俄罗斯在北极地区的利益 - The Associated Press Putin says US push for Greenland rooted in history, vows to uphold Russian interest in the Arctic (news.google.com)
133. 弗拉基米尔-普京警告称北极霸权竞争日益激烈 - Financial Times Vladimir Putin warns of growing competition for Arctic supremacy (news.google.com)
134. 斯塔默和马克龙警告特朗普:普京在和你玩游戏 - POLITICO Europe Putin is playing games with you, Starmer and Macron warn Trump (news.google.com)
135. 加沙人要求结束哈马斯长达 18 年的统治 - The New York Times Gazans Demand End to 18 Years of Hamas Rule (news.google.com)
136. 乌克兰最新情况:法国和英国提议组建 "再保证部队 - DW (English) Ukraine updates: France and UK propose ''reassurance force'' (news.google.com)
137. 男子在阿姆斯特丹市中心广场附近刺伤五人,嫌犯被捕 - Reuters Man stabs five people near central Amsterdam square, suspect arrested (news.google.com)
138. 以色列封锁加沙近一个月后,加沙的粮食即将告罄 - NPR Food is running out in Gaza nearly a month into Israeli blockade (news.google.com)
139. 以色列通过内塔尼亚胡支持的法律,赋予政客更多司法控制权 - Axios Israel passes Netanyahu-backed law to give politicians more control of judiciary (news.google.com)
140. 泽连斯基敦促美国和盟国坚决反对俄罗斯 - DW (English) Zelenskyy urges US and allies to stand strong against Russia (news.google.com)
141. 卡什-帕特尔驳斥民主党人关于联邦调查局是否应调查信号聊天记录泄露事件的提问 - The Daily Wire Kash Patel Shuts Down Democrat Asking Whether FBI Should Investigate Signal Chat Leak (news.google.com)
142. 无主之地》是如何获得意外票房成功的? - The New York Times How ‘No Other Land’ Became an Unlikely Box Office Success (news.google.com)
143. 特朗普将无辜男子送往萨尔瓦多,因为他身上有自闭症意识纹身 - Irish Star Trump sends innocent man to El Salvador for having autism awareness tattoo (news.google.com)
144. 在 "上帝的影响者 "成圣之前,数百万人涌向他致敬 - Newser Millions Flock to Honor ''God''s Influencer'' Ahead of Sainthood (news.google.com)
145. 旅游潜水艇在埃及红海海岸沉没,造成六人死亡 - The Washington Post Tourist submarine sinks off Egypt’s Red Sea coast, killing six (news.google.com)
146. "目标明确":枪击加沙儿童 - Drop Site News “The Target is Unmistakable”: The Shooting of Gaza’s Children (news.google.com)
147. 卢比奥访问加勒比海讨论海地安全危机,肯尼亚军官在海地遭团伙伏击身亡 - CNN Kenyan officer killed in Haiti after gang ambush, as Rubio visits Caribbean to discuss Haitian security crisis (news.google.com)
148. 所有提议均告失败埃及将加沙停火谈判破裂归咎于特朗普 - Ynetnews ''All proposals failed'': Egypt blames Trump for breakdown in Gaza ceasefire talks (news.google.com)
149. 法国-英国欧洲驻军乌克兰计划失败 - The Wall Street Journal France-U.K. Plan for European Troops in Ukraine Falters (news.google.com)
150. 皮卡丘在土耳其抗议活动中被发现逃离警察镇压 - 404 Media Pikachu Spotted Fleeing Police Crackdowns During Turkey Protests (news.google.com)
151. 埃马纽埃尔-马克龙说:欧洲在乌克兰的再保证部队将在 3-4 周内成形 - Financial Times Europe’s reassurance force in Ukraine to take shape in 3-4 weeks, says Emmanuel Macron (news.google.com)
152. 土耳其驱逐报道大规模抗议活动的 BBC 记者 - The New York Times Turkey Deports BBC Reporter Who Covered Mass Protests (news.google.com)
153. 德意志银行董事长称德国免费获得 1 万亿美元 - Bloomberg Germany Got 1 Trillion for Free, Deutsche Bank Chairman Says (news.google.com)
154. 土耳其拒绝国际社会的批评,在抗议被监禁市长的活动中拘留近 1,900 人 - Reuters Turkey detains nearly 1,900 in protests over jailed mayor, rejects international criticism (news.google.com)
155. 以色列议会通过法律,大大加强对法官任命的政治控制 - The Times of Israel Knesset passes law greatly boosting political control over appointment of judges (news.google.com)
156. 英国为实现收支平衡而做出的懦弱努力 - The Economist Britain’s wimpish effort to balance its books (news.google.com)
157. 欧洲领导人拒绝俄罗斯的制裁要求 - Bloomberg European Leaders Reject Russian Demands for Sanctions Relief (news.google.com)
158. 对出席耶路撒冷会议的塞尔维亚领导人发出国际逮捕令 - Israel Hayom International arrest warrant issued for Serbian leader attending conference in Jerusalem (news.google.com)
159. 阿姆斯特丹刺伤事件中五人受伤--警方 - BBC.com Five people wounded in Amsterdam stabbing - police (news.google.com)
160. 邦迪表示不会对信号聊天事件进行刑事调查 - The New York Times Bondi Indicates Signal Chat Episode Will Not Be Criminally Investigated (news.google.com)
161. 英国加税:可能导致增税的五个步骤 - BBC.com UK tax rises: The five steps that could lead to increases (news.google.com)
162. 众议院民主党人提出《Houthi PC 小团体法 - The Hill House Democrat introducing Houthi PC Small Group Act (news.google.com)
163. 4 名美军士兵在立陶宛训练期间失踪,车辆已找回 - ABC News 4 US Army soldiers go missing in Lithuania during training exercise, vehicle recovered (news.google.com)
164. 韩国军方称朝鲜向俄罗斯派遣了更多军队和武器 - The Moscow Times North Korea Sent More Troops and Weapons to Russia, South Korea’s Military Says (news.google.com)
165. 韩国野火:争夺千年古刹的失利之战 - DW (English) South Korea wildfires: The lost battle for 1,000-year-old temples (news.google.com)
166. 朝鲜首架机载预警机试飞,金正恩展示内部结构 - The War Zone First North Korean Airborne Early Warning Jet Flies, Kim Shows Off Interior (news.google.com)
167. 无主之地》导演"美国学院没有支持哈姆丹-巴拉尔" - Deadline ''No Other Land'' Director: "US Academy Didn''t Support Hamdan Ballal" (news.google.com)
168. 欧洲领导人向特朗普发出信息:现在不是解除对俄制裁的时候 - CNN European leaders say now not the time to lift sanctions on Russia in message to Trump (news.google.com)
169. 基尔-斯塔默指责弗拉基米尔-普京在停火问题上的空洞承诺 - BBC.com Keir Starmer accuses Vladimir Putin of hollow promises on ceasefire (news.google.com)
170. 警察使用武力驱散土耳其首都一所大学的抗议活动 - The Associated Press Police use force to break up protests at a university in Turkey’s capital (news.google.com)
172. 据国家媒体报道,载有俄罗斯游客的潜水艇在埃及海岸沉没,数人遇难 - CNN Several killed after submarine carrying Russian tourists sinks off Egyptian coast, state media reports (news.google.com)
173. 深海采矿没有规则可循。公司还是想推进 - NPR There''s no rulebook for deep-sea mining. Companies want to push forward anyway (news.google.com)
174. 意愿联盟 "在巴黎举行会议,进一步支持乌克兰 - Euronews ''Coalition of the Willing'' meets in Paris to further back Ukraine (news.google.com)
175. 美国征收汽车关税,巴西总统卢拉抨击特朗普 - The Associated Press Brazilian President Lula swipes at Trump as US imposes auto tariffs (news.google.com)
176. 他很快就会死去,一切都将结束"--泽连斯基列举了普京最担心的事情 - Kyiv Post ‘He Will Die Soon, and It Will All Be Over’ – Zelensky Lists Putin’s Greatest Fears (news.google.com)
178. 以色列政府通过政治接管司法任命法案 - Haaretz Israeli Government Passes Bill for Political Takeover of Judicial Appointments (news.google.com)
179. 欧盟敦促公民储备可维持 72 小时的必需品以应对紧急情况 - The Times of India EU urges citizens to stockpile essentials to last 72 hours for emergencies (news.google.com)
180. 反对派称南苏丹总统逮捕副总统,战争一触即发 - The Washington Post South Sudan’s president arrests VP, opposition says, risking imminent war (news.google.com)
181. 伊斯坦布尔市长被捕后,土耳其反对派呼吁抵制并举行大规模抗议活动 - The New York Times Turkey’s Opposition Calls for Boycott and Mass Protests After Arrest of Istanbul Mayor (news.google.com)
183. 信号聊天信息披露是对联邦调查局和司法部的早期考验 - The New York Times Signal Chat Disclosure Poses Early Test for F.B.I. and Justice Dept. (news.google.com)
184. 载有俄罗斯人的旅游潜水艇在埃及海岸沉没,六人遇难 - Reuters Six killed as tourist submarine carrying Russians sinks off Egypt''s coast (news.google.com)
185. 从也门发射导弹后,以色列中部耶路撒冷响起警报声 - The Jerusalem Post Sirens sound in Jerusalem, central Israel after missiles launched from Yemen (news.google.com)
187. 前线地区的乌克兰人因遭受损失而感到痛苦,但他们表示希望永存 - NPR Ukrainians in front line regions reel from losses, but say hope dies last for them (news.google.com)
188. 哈马斯发言人在以色列对加沙的袭击中丧生;据报道以色列国防军袭击了叙利亚拉塔基亚 - Haaretz Hamas Spokesman Killed in Israeli Strike in Gaza; IDF Reportedly Hits Syria''s Latakia (news.google.com)
189. 实时更新:特朗普称立法者寻求 IG 报告信号聊天内容并不影响他的工作 - The Washington Post Live updates: Trump says lawmakers seeking IG report on Signal chat doesn’t bother him (news.google.com)
190. 旅游潜水艇在埃及红海海岸沉没 - The New York Times Tourist Submarine Sinks Off Egypt’s Red Sea Coast (news.google.com)
191. 北约撤回对立陶宛 4 名美军士兵死亡事件的评论 - DW (English) NATO retracts comment on death of 4 US soldiers in Lithuania (news.google.com)
192. 以色列面对抗议全面调整法官任命 - Financial Times Israel overhauls judge appointments in face of protests (news.google.com)
193. 哈马斯声称加沙日益增多的反对其统治的抗议活动实际上是针对以色列的 - The Times of Israel Hamas claims growing Gaza protests against its rule actually aimed at Israel (news.google.com)
194. 哈里王子 "震惊地 "辞去森特贝勒慈善机构赞助人一职 - AOL Prince Harry steps down "in shock" as patron of his Sentebale charity (news.google.com)
195. 胡塞武装向以色列发射两枚导弹后,警报声将数百万人送往避难所 - Ynetnews Sirens send millions to shelters after Houthis launch two missiles at Israel (news.google.com)
196. 美联社审查发现,美国针对也门胡塞叛军的新一轮空袭比上一轮更加猛烈 - The Associated Press New US airstrike campaign targeting Yemen''s Houthi rebels more intense than last, AP review finds (news.google.com)
197. 苏丹军方称从准军事部队手中夺回首都控制权 - The Washington Post Sudan’s military says it seized control of capital city from paramilitary (news.google.com)
198. 德国联邦国防军如何花费数十亿欧元 - DW (English) How Germany''s Bundeswehr could spend billions of euros (news.google.com)
199. 潜水艇在埃及海岸坠毁,至少四人死亡 - NBC News At least four dead as submarine crashes off the coast of Egypt (news.google.com)
200. 布阿利姆-桑萨尔法裔阿尔及利亚作家因摩洛哥言论入狱 - BBC.com Boualem Sansal: French-Algerian writer jailed over Morocco comments (news.google.com)
201. 2025 年世界新闻摄影展 - 获奖地区图片 - The Guardian World Press Photo 2025 – winning regional images (news.google.com)
202. 安全与贸易隐忧加剧,日本与巴西誓言加强战略关系 - CNBC Japan and Brazil vow to bolster strategic ties as security and trade worries rise (news.google.com)
203. 美国在迪戈加西亚岛集结B-2 "精神 "轰炸机的迹象(更新) - Yahoo Signs U.S. Massing B-2 Spirit Bombers In Diego Garcia (Updated) (news.google.com)
204. 以色列称真主党高级指挥官在一夜空袭中丧生 - The Times of Israel Israel says senior Hezbollah commander killed in overnight airstrike (news.google.com)
205. 独家报道叙利亚教派暴力蔓延至首都,居民称阿拉维派受到恐吓 - Reuters Exclusive: Syria''s sectarian violence reached capital, terrorizing Alawites, residents say (news.google.com)
206. 主要竞争对手入狱,埃尔多安将土耳其变成 "假想的专制国家 - FRANCE 24 English With his main rival in jail, Erdogan turns Turkey into an ‘assumed autocracy’ (news.google.com)
207. 乌克兰 F-16 飞行员称,俄罗斯的战场行动表明其军队认为北约战机质量更高,并惧怕北约战机 - Business Insider Ukrainian F-16 pilot says Russia''s battlefield actions show its troops think NATO jets are higher quality and fear them (news.google.com)
208. 金正恩监督人工智能自杀式无人机测试 - DW (English) Kim Jong Un oversees tests of AI suicide drones (news.google.com)
209. 里夫斯提出 140 亿英镑的预算调整方案以解决英国财政问题 - Yahoo Finance Reeves Sets Out 14 Billion Budget Recast to Fix UK Finances (news.google.com)
210. B-2 隐形轰炸机:为什么随着 "精神 "号的抵达,迪戈加西亚刚刚成为世界上最危险的发射场? - EurAsian Times B-2 Stealth Bombers: Why Diego Garcia Just Became World’s Most Dangerous Launchpad With Arrival Of ‘Spirit’? (news.google.com)
211. 内塔尼亚胡威胁说,如果人质不获释,以色列将占领更多加沙地区 - Haaretz Netanyahu threatens Israel will seize more of Gaza if hostages aren''t released (news.google.com)
212. 立陶宛救援人员挖掘 4 名失踪美军士兵使用过的沉没车辆 - NBC News Rescuers in Lithuania dig for submerged vehicle used by 4 missing U.S. Army soldiers (news.google.com)
213. 以色列国防军击毙拉德万部队恐怖分子,哈马斯声称发言人在以军袭击中丧生 - The Jerusalem Post IDF kills Radwan Forces terrorist, Hamas claims spokesperson killed in Israeli strike (news.google.com)
214. 中国从特朗普的动荡中看到机遇 - Foreign Affairs Magazine China Sees Opportunity in Trump’s Upheaval (news.google.com)
215. 乱葬坑的发现如何引发墨西哥失踪人员问题的轩然大波 - Al Jazeera English How the discovery of a mass grave sparked uproar over the missing in Mexico (news.google.com)
216. 搜寻在立陶宛失踪的 4 名美军士兵 - CNN Search underway for 4 US Army soldiers missing in Lithuania (news.google.com)
217. 乌克兰的 F-16 战斗机正在监视俄罗斯的防空系统 - Forbes Ukraine’s F-16s Are Spying On Russian Air Defenses (news.google.com)
218. 加沙抗议者要求 "哈马斯下台",以色列加紧军事行动 - ABC News Gaza protesters demand ''Hamas out'' as Israel presses military campaign (news.google.com)
219. 哈里王子 "伤心欲绝 "地退出他为戴安娜王妃创办的非洲慈善机构:"发生的一切令人难以想象 - AOL Prince Harry ‘Devastated’ as He Quits African Charity He Founded in Princess Diana’s Honor: ‘What’s Transpired Is Unthinkable'' (news.google.com)
220. 俄罗斯军方指责乌克兰违反能源停火协议 - The Moscow Times Russian Military Accuses Ukraine of Violating Energy Ceasefire (news.google.com)
221. 乌克兰盟国举行会议,考虑提供新援助和安全保证 - Reuters Ukraine''s allies meet with new aid, security assurances in mind (news.google.com)
222. 俄罗斯总统健康状况日益恶化的传闻中,泽连斯基说:"弗拉基米尔-普京将不久于人世 - The Times of India ''Vladimir Putin will die soon,'' says Zelenskyy amid Russia president''s deteriorating health rumors (news.google.com)
223. 没有其他土地:"奥斯卡获奖巴勒斯坦导演说,定居者的攻击不会将他赶出家园 - CNN ‘No other land:’ Oscar-winning Palestinian director says settler assault won’t push him from his home (news.google.com)
224. 哈马斯媒体称哈马斯发言人卡努阿在以色列空袭中丧生 - Reuters Hamas spokesperson Qanoua killed in Israeli airstrike, Hamas media say (news.google.com)
225. 4 名美军士兵仍在立陶宛失踪,北约收回死亡声明 - USA TODAY 4 US soldiers still missing in Lithuania, NATO walks back statement on deaths (news.google.com)
226. 乌克兰对俄罗斯的 "无人机制裁 "使和谈战略受到影响:分析师 - ABC News Ukraine''s ''drone sanctions'' on Russia bring bite to peace talks strategy: Analysts (news.google.com)
227. 特朗普:"胡塞武装想要和平,因为他们被打得落花流水 - The Times of Israel Trump: ‘The Houthis want peace because they’re getting the hell knocked out of them’ (news.google.com)
228. 韩国迎战史上最严重野火,死亡人数达到 27 人 - Reuters South Korea battles worst ever wildfires as death toll hits 27 (news.google.com)
229. 南苏丹冲突:里克-马查尔副总统被软禁,他的政党说 - BBC.com South Sudan clashes: VP Riek Machar under house arrest, his party says (news.google.com)
230. 据报道,哈里王子为何与南非慈善机构断绝关系? - BuzzFeed Here''s Why Prince Harry Reportedly Cut Ties With His South African Charity (news.google.com)
231. 塔斯社称俄罗斯拘留了罗斯农业公司的亿万富翁创始人 - Bloomberg Russia Detains Billionaire Founder of Ros Agro, Tass Says (news.google.com)
232. 教皇方济各的医生:"我们真的以为活不了了 - Catholic News Agency Pope Francis’ doctor: ‘We really thought we wouldn’t make it’ (news.google.com)
233. 特朗普与普京的交易面临欧洲的现实检验 - POLITICO Europe Trump’s deal with Putin faces European reality check (news.google.com)
234. 俄罗斯判处保卫马里乌波尔的乌克兰 "亚速 "战士长期监禁 - Yahoo News Canada Russia hands long prison terms to Ukrainian ''Azov'' fighters who defended Mariupol (news.google.com)
235. 报纸头条:靠穷人的钱来平衡收支 "和 "担心税收增加 - BBC.com Newspaper headlines: ''Balancing the books on backs of poor'' and ''tax rise fears'' (news.google.com)
236. 根据韩国的评估,朝鲜向俄罗斯增派了 3,000 名士兵 - The Associated Press North Korea sent 3,000 more troops to Russia, according to South’s assessment (news.google.com)
237. 白宫今天的谎言"战争计划 "不是 "战争计划" - Boing Boing Today in lies from the White House: "War Plans" are not "War Plans" (news.google.com)
238. 教皇的医生称方济各的康复是 "奇迹",并表示方济各希望继续战斗下去 - Crux Now Pope’s doctor calls recovery ‘miraculous,’ says Francis wanted to keep fighting (news.google.com)
239. 灾难主管指出气候危机的 "残酷现实",韩国野火成为有记录以来最大的野火 - The Guardian South Korea wildfires become biggest on record as disaster chief points to ‘harsh reality’ of climate crisis (news.google.com)
240. 欧洲领导人将努力敲定乌克兰支持计划 - The New York Times European Leaders to Try to Hammer Out Ukraine Support Plans (news.google.com)
241. 签证威胁之后,卢比奥将与牙买加讨论古巴医生项目 - Reuters Canada Rubio to discuss with Jamaica over Cuban doctor program after visa threats (news.google.com)
242. 也门和伊朗紧张局势加剧,美国确认向印度洋部署 B-2 战斗机 - ایران اینترنشنال US confirms B-2 deployment to Indian Ocean as Yemen, Iran tensions flare (news.google.com)
243. 波兰将暂停移民申请庇护的权利 - BBC.com Poland to suspend migrants'' right to apply for asylum (news.google.com)
244. 哈里王子 "伤心欲绝 "地退出他为戴安娜王妃创办的非洲慈善机构:"发生的一切令人难以想象 - Yahoo Entertainment Prince Harry ‘Devastated’ as He Quits African Charity He Founded in Princess Diana’s Honor: ‘What’s Transpired Is Unthinkable'' (news.google.com)
245. 朝鲜领导人金正恩吹捧人工智能自杀式无人机和预警机 - Reuters North Korea leader Kim Jong Un touts AI suicide drones, early-warning aircraft (news.google.com)
246. 加勒比地区领导人否认美国关于古巴卫生工作者是 "强迫劳动 "受害者的说法 - The Guardian Caribbean leaders deny US claims that Cuban health workers are victims of ‘forced labor’ (news.google.com)
247. 以色列拥抱法国极右翼,对其纳粹历史视而不见 - CNN Israel embraces France’s far-right, turning a blind eye to its Nazi past (news.google.com)
248. 排名世界十大最幸福国家(2019-2024年) - Visual Capitalist Ranked: The World’s 10 Happiest Countries (2019–2024) (news.google.com)
249. 北约领导人警告俄罗斯,如果它袭击波兰,将会做出 "毁灭性 "反应 - ABC News NATO leader warns Russia to expect a ''devastating'' reaction if it ever attacks Poland (news.google.com)
250. 直升机在庆尚北道扑救野火时坠毁,飞行员丧生 - The Korea JoongAng Daily Helicopter crashes in North Gyeongsang while fighting wildfires, pilot killed (news.google.com)
251. 乌克兰战争简报:马克龙说:俄罗斯渴望战争,而乌克兰人 "冒和平的风险 - The Guardian Ukraine war briefing: Russia desires war while Ukrainians ‘take risk of peace’, says Macron (news.google.com)
252. 韩国野火 "改写 "了历史记录 - Newser South Korea''s Wildfires Are ''Rewriting the Record Books'' (news.google.com)
253. 春季前景黯淡",里夫斯警告 "不要推卸责任 - BBC.com ''Grim spring outlook'' and Reeves warned ''not to shift blame'' (news.google.com)
254. 韩国史上最大野火肆虐,至少 26 人死亡 - BBC.com At least 26 dead as South Korea''s largest ever wildfires rage (news.google.com)
255. 如果胡塞武装用导弹袭击航母会怎样? - 19FortyFive What Happens If the Houthis Hit an Aircraft Carrier with a Missile? (news.google.com)
257. 五角大楼在也门群聊惨败前发出禁止使用信号的警告 - Gizmodo The Pentagon Sent Out a Warning Against Using Signal Right Before Yemen Group Chat Fiasco (news.google.com)
258. 美国军方就也门的日常打击行动提供极少细节 - The New York Times U.S. Military Provides Few Details on Daily Strikes in Yemen (news.google.com)
259. 美国情报界 2025 年度威胁评估 - USNI News 2025 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community (news.google.com)
260. 北约秘书长之前宣布在立陶宛死亡的四名失踪美军士兵的命运存疑 - The Independent Doubts over fate of four missing U.S. soldiers previously declared dead in Lithuania by NATO secretary general (news.google.com)
261. 以色列协调离开加沙的人数与不断扩大的反哈马斯抗议活动同时增加 - Ynetnews Israel-coordinated departures from Gaza rise alongside expanding anti-Hamas protests (news.google.com)
262. 美国间谍早在几个月前就对 Signal 消息应用程序的安全问题和潜在泄密事件发出警告 - The Mirror US spies issued warning WEEKS AGO about Signal messaging app security fears and potential leaks (news.google.com)
263. 以色列反犹太主义会议分崩离析......因为他们邀请了太多的反犹主义者 - Mondoweiss An Israeli conference on antisemitism is falling apart…because they invited too many antisemites (news.google.com)
264. 野火肆虐韩国南部,至少 24 人死亡,数千人被迫撤离 - KSL.com At least 24 dead as wildfires ravage southern South Korea and force thousands to evacuate (news.google.com)
265. 我们对周四在巴黎举行的乌克兰问题 "意愿联盟 "峰会的了解 - Euronews What we know about Thursday’s ‘Coalition of the Willing’ summit for Ukraine in Paris (news.google.com)
266. 肖娜-罗宾逊(Shona Robinson)表示,英国政府增税需要削减经费 - BBC.com Cuts needed to fund UK government tax hike, says Shona Robinson (news.google.com)
267. 关于格陵兰岛上唯一的美军基地皮图菲克的知识 - NPR What to know about Pituffik, the only U.S. military base in Greenland (news.google.com)
268. 加沙民众第二天举行抗议哈马斯和战争的活动 - The New York Times Gazans Protest Against Hamas and War for a Second Day (news.google.com)
269. 哈里王子与非洲慈善机构女主席的紧张关系内幕--以及迫使他辞职的戏剧性事件 - Page Six Inside Prince Harry''s tense relationship with African charity chairwoman — and the drama that forced him to resign (news.google.com)
270. 乌克兰问题 "意愿联盟 "在巴黎聚会,商讨可能组建一支部队的方案 - Yahoo ''Coalition of Willing'' for Ukraine gathering in Paris to mull options for a possible force (news.google.com)
271. 黑格塞斯在首次访问该地区期间就印度-太平洋地区的合作伙伴关系发表讲话 - Department of Defense Hegseth Addresses Indo-Pacom Partnerships During First Trip to Region (news.google.com)
272. 美国打击也门胡塞武装的无人机专家 - Axios U.S. strikes home in on Houthi drone experts in Yemen (news.google.com)
273. 众议院民主党人计划通过《HOUTHI PC 小型团体法案》回应信号门事件 - Axios House Democrat plans HOUTHI PC SMALL GROUP Act in response to Signalgate (news.google.com)
274. 正在发生:以色列脆弱的民主制度正在被顺利、恶意地瓦解 - The Times of Israel Happening now: The smooth, malevolent unraveling of Israel’s vulnerable democracy (news.google.com)
275. JD Vance 在 Signal 聊天中巩固了他作为外国干预怀疑论者的地位 - The Washington Post JD Vance, in Signal chat, cements his role as skeptic of foreign intervention (news.google.com)
276. 欧盟敦促公民在战争风险中储备 72 小时的物资 - CNN EU urges citizens to stockpile 72 hours’ worth of supplies amid war risk (news.google.com)
277. 土耳其抗议活动:土耳其人民大会党称抗议活动将持续到被监禁的市长获释为止 - BBC.com Turkey protests: CHP says protests to continue until jailed mayor is freed (news.google.com)
278. 数千人参加第二天在加沙举行的反对哈马斯的抗议活动,示威活动激增 - The Times of Israel Demonstrations swell as thousands join second day of protests against Hamas in Gaza (news.google.com)
279. 在犹大沙漠发现神秘的金字塔结构 - Livescience.com Mysterious pyramid structure found in Judaean Desert (news.google.com)
280. 哈里王子辞去为纪念亡母而设立的非洲慈善机构赞助人职务 - NBC News Prince Harry resigns as patron of African charity he set up in the memory of his late mother (news.google.com)
281. 五角大楼在泄密一周前警告员工使用信号灯 - The Daily Beast Pentagon Warned Staff About Using Signal a Week Before Leak (news.google.com)
282. 欧盟预计特朗普将于 4 月 2 日设定统一的两位数关税 - POLITICO EU expects Trump to set flat, double-digit tariff on April 2 (news.google.com)
283. 美军称在立陶宛发现四名失踪士兵的车辆 - Al Jazeera English US Army says vehicle of four missing soldiers found in Lithuania (news.google.com)
284. 森特贝勒哈里王子退出为纪念戴安娜而设立的慈善机构 - BBC.com Sentebale: Prince Harry quits charity set up in honour of Diana (news.google.com)
285. 空中客车公司董事长认为有 "强烈迹象 "表明,普京正在调兵遣将攻击北约东翼 - Fortune Airbus chairman sees ‘strong indications’ an emboldened Putin is mobilizing forces to attack NATO’s eastern flank (news.google.com)
286. 胡塞武装声称在无人机袭击中以美国船只和以色列军事基地为目标 - The Jerusalem Post Houthis claim to target US vessel, Israeli military sites in drone strike (news.google.com)
287. 欧盟刚刚向其 4.5 亿公民发出了一个可怕的警告:储备物资,做好防灾准备 - Fortune The European Union just issued a dire warning to its 450 million citizens: Stockpile supplies and prepare for disaster (news.google.com)
288. 北约首脑呼吁团结一致,因为欧洲正在集结军队,而美国正在关注其他地区的安全威胁 - The Associated Press NATO chief appeals for unity as Europe builds its armies and the US eyes security threats elsewhere (news.google.com)
289. 哈里王子卸任其创办的慈善机构赞助人一职 - The New York Times Prince Harry Steps Down as Patron of Charity He Founded (news.google.com)
290. 土耳其数千人参加抗议活动,1,400 多人被捕 - BBC.com Thousands turn out in Turkey for protests after more than 1,400 arrests (news.google.com)
291. 教皇方济各的医生透露,在呼吸危机期间,"我们不得不选择 "是否 "让他走"。 - America: The Jesuit Review Pope Francis’ doctor reveals ‘we had to choose’ whether to ‘let him go’ during breathing crisis (news.google.com)
292. 北约负责人称四名美军士兵在立陶宛训练期间丧生 - The Washington Post Four U.S. soldiers killed during training in Lithuania, says NATO chief (news.google.com)
293. 阿曼达-诺克斯为何返回意大利--以及她如何与女儿谈论不公正问题 - NPR Why Amanda Knox returns to Italy — and how she talks with her daughter about injustice (news.google.com)
294. 英国里夫斯向议会宣布最新预算案 - Reuters UK UK''s Reeves announces budget update to parliament (news.google.com)
295. 医生说,教皇知道自己 "可能撑不下去 - National Catholic Reporter Pope knew he ''might not make it,'' physician says (news.google.com)
296. 哈马斯威胁人质将 "装在棺材里 "返回;伊斯兰圣战组织向以色列发射火箭弹 - The Times of Israel Hamas threatens hostages will return ‘in coffins;’ Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Israel (news.google.com)
297. 囤积的 800 件 "非同寻常 "的铁器时代文物在英国田野中被发现,并被神秘焚烧和掩埋 - Livescience.com ''Exceptional'' hoard of 800 Iron Age artifacts found mysteriously burned and buried in UK field (news.google.com)
298. 以色列国防军揭露被消灭的半岛电视台记者是哈马斯恐怖分子 - Ynetnews IDF unmasks eliminated Al Jazeera journalist as Hamas terrorist (news.google.com)
299. 北约领导人称,在立陶宛失踪的 4 名美国士兵已经死亡 - The Associated Press 4 American soldiers who went missing in Lithuania have died, NATO leader says (news.google.com)
300. 欧盟高官预计特朗普将征收约 20% 的关税 - Financial Times Top EU official expects Trump tariff of about 20% (news.google.com)